Mister Universe Model 2011 (07/05/11 Update)

My rankings have changed a bit again, here we go!

10th. Luxembourg - I still like him but competition is tough at the moment.
9th. Malta - Ok I don't mind him but I don't know how he managed to make 9th on my list last time.
6th. Dominican Republic - He's being overwhelmed by the competition.

Yet again the 10th, 9th and 6th are out! Doesn't bode well for whoever is at those positions this time... so who is 10th?


Colombia - Esteban Arteaga


N/A - N/A - 10th

At a time when favourites are being solidified to break into my Top 10 is quite a tough task but Esteban has that sex appeal which makes him just scrape through into 10th spot, he'll have to work hard if he wants to stay at 10th though.

Portugal - Ricardo Cruz


6th - N/A - 9th

Portugal re-enters my Top 10 because I've finally gotten over his designer stubble and in wide shots it actually suits him. I love his smile.

South Africa - Jacques Fagan


BB - N/A - 8th

Where was Jacques the past few days? Yesterday was the first day I saw photos of him! Whilst Jacques isn't the most attractive, imo, I think he has the overall package - body, looks, smile, charisma and hopefully brains.

Ireland - Darragh Hayes

8th - 4th - 7th

Darragh has been rather quiet since my last ranking, the competition has become hotter (since the guys took their shirts off!) so Darragh better deliver or he'll drop further down.

France - Jordan Haag

5th - 3rd - 6th

Jordan is a sentimental fave of mine but he's slowly being overtaken by stronger competition. Jordan would fit into the twink category but this year there are hotter "Twinks" I think.

Chile - Danilo Rodriguez

3rd - 8th - 5th

Chile rebounds into my top 5 because of his smile and confidence. There's something about his look which seems a little awkward but his confidence (which is just a step away from arrogance) is quietly refreshing.

Denmark - Morten Krogh Jeppesen

BB - 5th - 4th

A day ago I had Morten at 2nd but he's dropped down today but he has the potential to go back up.

Ukraine - Oleg Sukhoverkhov

2nd - 7th - 3rd

Ok I've gotten over the uber metro sexuality and am now embracing it(him) The above picture just makes me drool and any guy that can be as defined as that but still have a small frame deserves to be praised.

Belgium - Sonny Wouters

1st - 2nd - 2nd

Oh how I agonised on whether I should push Belgium to 1st but he lost by a slither and yes I am staring at you!

Serbia - Milos Micovic

Milos stays on top by a minuscule amount! I love his looks but at times his posture makes him look a little boyish, and that's what is making me think twice however Milos is still my favourite as of now.

And here's a list of guys on my hit list... I mean to watch list!

Peru - I can't believe I missed this guy
Bolivia - Cute Latino!
Luxembourg - Still could be a threat
Brazil - Obrigado Brazil
Dominican Republic - Overwhelmed
Venezuela - Can't miss a Venezuelan.

And I leave you with this...

If I had a list of bubbling under bubbling unders I would put Mayan Riviera in it but honestly what the heck is he wearing? He's wearing some short swim trunks with a thong on top... Is it to enlarge his bulge? @_@


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